Solarangel's Blog

The thoughts and feelings from someone living with long term depression

About This Blog

My life, like everyone else’s is complicated, but every now and then I find something I wish I could share openly with anyone who might want to listen.

There is a lot of fear when it comes to being open with strangers or even friends and family. We all have a desire to be accepted within our social circle, and to question the norm might alienate us from those we are close to.

Which is why this blog is anonymous, a snapshot of my life that I don’t feel comfortable sharing openly for all who know me to see. My fear of being judged is far too great for that.

Therefore as the title suggests this web page allows my to openly say what’s on my mind, unfiltered thoughts, feelings and ideas that would otherwise stay stuck in my head gathering dust like some old books on the back shelf of the library which is my brain.

I hope that some of what I share is of interest to you.